Polycarbonate roofs are quite tough and durable. You can hit a polycarbonate sheet with a hammer and it is unlikely to break. But like many other materials, it, too, can give way in the face of Mother Nature’s fury. That’s exactly what happened when a hail storm hit Adelaide last Friday, damaging crops, cars and property. Polycarbonate roofs were no exception.
With ice half the size of golf balls falling from the sky last Friday it’s no surprise roofs of various roofing materials took a bad hit, with some even collapsing from the sheer force of the storm. The Advertiser reports that much of the damage was to skylights and the State Emergency Service acknowledged that this was a bit more unusual than what they normally deal with. Massive cleanup efforts are now underway, especially for structures with affected roofs, as they are prone to even more damage from rains and wild weather.
If your roof has taken a beating from the hail storm, you will need to have this fixed immediately, especially with the danger of more rains looming on the horizon. Softwoods is an authorised seller of Suntuf polycarbonate roofing and carries an extensive line of roofing products. Give us a call and our roofing experts can help you assess the damage to your roof for insurance purposes and help you with the repair work.